Monday, February 22, 2010

myspinon Choosing Hope

I saw God before me for all time. Nothing can shake me; he’s right by my side. I’m glad from the inside out, ecstatic; I’ve pitched my tent in the land of hope.
Acts 2:25

Manus and I are relocating this month. I've been psyching myself up to it for about 8 months, since we made the decision.
I was reluctant for a good while...took me ages to get the courage up just to get on my knees and say, with an open heart "Lord, if this is what you want for us, then help me to accept it, and help me to feel at ease in my heart about it, then I'll know it's from you."
And so a time of transition began...

We're down to the last of our days on the south side of town. I grew up here. My family are close by, my church family means a lot to me. I'm going to miss the people I love like mad!
You would think we're moving overseas! The reality is it's only an hour and 15 away...

I could dwell on the fact that finding a new Church isn't going to be easy, and making new friends can be overwhelming, being really honest here :) Or the fact that we haven't been approved for the property we've applied for yet.. that's a biggie.
But you know what, I choose not to dwell. Instead, I'm choosing hope.

My relationship with Jesus has come a long way since I prayed that first prayer about the move...I've had days where the hope within me is no where to be seen or felt. But my God hasn't let me down...
He is all the company I need to comfort me in a strange, new place. What an ultimate friend I have to stand by me and lead me into new friendships and a new church family, the right residence and the right neighbourhood.

Knowing I never have to be lonely is exciting- In fact, knowing Jesus will be all I have (except for my wonderful hubby & kids) for a while is exciting! I don't know where he's going to lead us, I don't know what my new friends will be like, but I can't wait to see what surprises my bestest friend has in store for me!

We haven't even moved yet and I'm thoroughly enjoying trusting my God with all I have.
It's so much easier to have faith and hope than anxiety. This I know, because "anxiety was here" not so long ago.

It's been an amazing journey getting to know my Creator intimately. I won't lie to you, it's been a real battle to stand against my old self and trust and believe in this man, and the power he offers to change my life.

I remember when I was first saved, one of my first prayers was "Lord, I'd go to the end of the earth and back for you. Just say the words and I'll do it." I guess 75 mins out of my comfort zone is a nice little warm up.
The more I get to know this great love of mine, the more I truly believe in that prayer... and the more I inch, bit by bit toward God's purpose for me, the better.

It’s a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God.
Lamentations 3:26

He changes the seasons and guides history
Daniel 2:21

God’s way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along: “The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives.”
Romans 1:17

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11-13

My God of hope,
Please fill me up with joy and peace so that my life
is filled with the life giving energy of the Holy Spirit.
Let me brim over with hope in every season!
In your name I pray Jesus,


  1. And you know we are going to miss you too! I love the journey that you guys are on and the honesty and transparency is awesome. Michelle, like you said, with your best friend by your side, it will be a real adventure. And always remember, God is faithful and he will never let you down, not one single time :)
